The Differences between Psychosomatic Disorders & Somatization "Somatic Symptoms" Disorders " Concept , Symptoms , Diagnosis "
In a world full of changes and pressures, a person experiences a state of psychological stress because of the demands of his life, whether job search, desire for marriage, success, etc., making him vulnerable to many health and psychological crises. Most people go through illnesses that have a physical cause or without a physical cause, but they have developed as a result of severe psychological stress, suffering from "psychosomatic disorders" and "somatoform disorders".
The study concluded that the most important differences in the terms of psychosomatic disorders and somatoform disorders, and the researcher came to the conclusion that psychosomatic disorders are a group of symptoms of physical illness related to the psychological factor and contribute to the psychological factor to increase the suffering of the patient or stimulate injury, such as heart attacks and digestive problems, When the somatoform disorders are described as a set of mental diseases in which the patient suffers from physical diseases cannot be identified by human medicine.
The study dealt with the diagnostic and statistical evidence of the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders 4th &5th edition DSM 4 - DSM 5 of the difference between them, and discussed the research to the most important treatments used.