Monotheism is its virtue and divisions: A comparative study between the divine books (The Noble Qur’an, the Torah and the Bible)
All the heavenly books (the Qur’an, the Torah, and the Bible) agreed that Allah commanded all messengers and prophets to unite Allah and not shirk it in any way, and also ordered them to adhere to the covenant that he made with his prophets in not taking another Allah or idol except him, and if they did not implement this first commandment, then Allah will rob them of the king and make them vulnerable in the land, so every prophet or messenger before he dies commands his sons that they only Allah worships and that the religion of their father Abraham. The Islamic and the Messenger Muhammad (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) in the Quranic Surahs (Al-Baqara: 100), (Al-Anaam: 20), (Yes: 7 and 10), mention the few of Jews believe in mohmmad religion, and since the level of faith is higher than the Islam, we say to the people of Jews and Christians to worship Allah alone, and do not share anything with Him in order to save yourselves from Hell as Allah Almighty said in (Surat Al-Israa: 7) (If you do good, do good to yourselves and if you are sick of it) and in (Surat Al-Israa: 2) (do you not take from me without an agent), as monotheism was mentioned in the Bible in several books of them (Daniel 2: 20-21) (20) He answered Daniel said: “May Allah's name be blessed from eternity to eternity, for He has wisdom and might.” (21) He isolates kings and installs kings. "Gives wisdom to the wise, and those who know they know." As mentioned in the unification of Allah (John 5: 44) (How can you believe and you receive honor from one another, and the glory of the one Allah, who do not seek?)
The present research aimed at comparing divine oneness with deism oneness in the heavenly books (the Qur’an, the Torah, and the Bible). The comparative and analytical approaches were adopted in arriving at the results, including that all apostles and prophets were monotheists and they never called Allahhead to themselves but after their death people took them as lords without Allah. In the light of the results of the current research, some recommendations have been put in place for the interpreters of the Bible to review the texts of the Holy Qur’an and its interpretations because the Holy Qur’an has been preserved from misrepresentation, and this is the correct basis for extracting added or deleted texts from the Bible.