⧈ Frequency: Monthly
⧈ Print ISSN: 2522-3399
⧈ Online ISSN: 2522-3399
⧈ Impact Factor (SJIF) 2023: 7.647
⧈ Arabic Impact Factor 2023: 0.635
Vol. 3 No. 17 (2019)
A framework for the Saudi universities governance to achieve competitive advantage in decision making according to the aspirations of Vision 2030
Abstract View: 320
PDF (Arabic) downloads: 538
Higher and Vocational Education and its Funding in Germany and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (A Comparative Study)
Abstract View: 732
PDF (Arabic) downloads: 1127
The Impact of the reciprocal Teaching Strategy on the Development of Achievement in Islamic Education in Seventh Grade Students in Jordan
Abstract View: 152
PDF (Arabic) downloads: 389
The Reality of Scientific Research in the General Educational Schools of Qatif Hopes and Aspirations to Achieve the Saudi Vision 2030
Abstract View: 228
PDF (Arabic) downloads: 609