⧈ Frequency: Monthly
⧈ Print ISSN: 2522-3399
⧈ Online ISSN: 2522-3399
⧈ Impact Factor (SJIF) 2023: 7.647
⧈ Arabic Impact Factor 2023: 0.635
Vol. 4 No. 6 (2020)
Emotional Intelligence Level and its Relationship with Managerial Creativity among Ta'if City School Principals
Abstract View: 562
PDF (Arabic) downloads: 494
Analytical thinking skills included in Islamic education books for grades (6, 7, 8) of the basic stage in Jordan
Abstract View: 315
PDF (Arabic) downloads: 341
An analytical study of the primary stage upgraded science textbooks in the light of basic science processes
Abstract View: 277
PDF (Arabic) downloads: 317
Evaluation of the visual memory in the children with learning difficulties in Mathematics
Abstract View: 498
PDF (Arabic) downloads: 517
Status of the role of Jordanian schools in confronting the moral crisis from the teacher's perspective
Abstract View: 106
PDF (Arabic) downloads: 178
The Effect of Using IPod Technology on EFL College Students' Writing Skill
Abstract View: 161
PDF (Arabic) downloads: 221
The Impact of Teachers' Guidance and Counseling Role on Students' Discipline in Private Schools
Abstract View: 299
PDF (Arabic) downloads: 245