⧈ Frequency: Monthly
⧈ Print ISSN: 2522-3399
⧈ Online ISSN: 2522-3399
⧈ Impact Factor (SJIF) 2023: 7.647
⧈ Arabic Impact Factor 2023: 0.635
Vol. 5 No. 43 (2021)
The phenomenon of school absence among middle school students – A case study on the eleventh middle school students in Al-Rass city –
Abstract View: 942
PDF (Arabic) downloads: 1137
The effect of teaching English using virtual classrooms on developing creative thinking skills for primary school students in Makkah
Abstract View: 347
PDF (Arabic) downloads: 284
The degree of Arabic language teachers' practice of constructivist teaching methods in Jeddah
Abstract View: 168
PDF (Arabic) downloads: 218
Appropriate Grammatical Concepts for First-grade Intermediate Students in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Abstract View: 156
PDF (Arabic) downloads: 261
Quality of life and its relationship to achievement motivation among high school students in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia- Asir region
Abstract View: 712
PDF (Arabic) downloads: 743