⧈ Frequency: Monthly
⧈ Print ISSN: 2522-3399
⧈ Online ISSN: 2522-3399
⧈ Impact Factor (SJIF) 2023: 7.647
⧈ Arabic Impact Factor 2023: 0.635
Vol. 8 No. 8 (2024)
The Awareness level of Students of the Education College in the State of Kuwait about the Digital Citizenship Dimensions
Abstract View: 110
PDF (Arabic) downloads: 120
The reality of female Islamic studies teachers promoting values of volunteer work among female secondary school students in Makkah
Abstract View: 133
PDF (Arabic) downloads: 209
Challenges of Implementing E-Learning in Upper Elementary Education: Perspectives of Abu Al-‘Arqan School Teachers, South Hebron
Abstract View: 100
PDF (Arabic) downloads: 75